July General Meeting

May General Meeting Will be held online 3-5
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82798284955?pwd=UHhLZlV2WFZ2bi83VVgyVGg0bGQvdz09 Meeting ID: 827 9828 4955 Password: 086884 May Meeting Agenda 1. Call to Order Welcome to the CCDC’s second “virtual” meeting. Acknowledgments Happy 15th Anniversary CCDC! June meeting in lieu of summer party: June…continue readingApril General Meeting
Join us on April 19 for our first ever virtual general meeting, along with special guest Mark Gonzalez, Chair of the Los Angeles County Democratic Party. Arrangements to confirm a speaker regarding the 2020 Census…continue readingCANCELLED March General Meeting CANCELLED
The health and well-being of our friends and families is of the utmost importance. And, as we are all aware, the coronavirus is posing a unique and widespread health risk to our communities. As a result,…continue readingFebruary General Meeting
It all comes down to voting, doesn't it? February, 2020 Sunday, February 16 3 PM-5 PM The Center for Spiritual Living 4845 Dunsmore Ave. La Crescenta Hello, I'm the New Voting System! At our Feb.…continue readingJanuary General Membership Meeting